Mock Datasets

Purchase Datasets

Enter a value between 10 and 100000. Only whole numbers are allowed.

**This tool is for educational and testing purposes only. Any misuse for illegal or unethical activities is strictly prohibited. All generated data is fictional and has no real-world validity.

This Purchase Datasets collection provides mock datasets related to e-commerce transactions, customer purchases, and retail analytics. These datasets are designed for data scientists, analysts, and developers who need structured data for testing, analysis, and machine learning applications.

Our purchase-related datasets consists of customer details, transaction records, product inventories, and sales reports, allowing users to explore various business scenarios without handling real-world data. These datasets are ideal for practice, building recommendation engines, fraud detection models, and sales trend analysis.

Use Cases

These datasets are perfect for:

  • Understanding purchase behavior and customer trends.
  • Training recommendation systems and fraud detection models.
  • Identifying key performance indicators for sales and inventory management.
  • Analyzing revenue streams and transaction patterns.
  • Providing dummy data for web applications.


These can be downloaded in CSV, Excel and JSON.

Available Datasets

1. Customer Information Dataset

Includes customer demographics, contact details, and purchase frequency.

Customer ID First Name Last Name Email Phone Number Address City State Postal Code Country Date of Birth Gender Account Creation Date Preferred Language
1001 Jane Doe 123-456-7890 123 Main St New York NY 10001 USA 1990-05-14 Female 2022-07-10 English

2. Transaction Data Dataset

Contains details of purchases, including transaction ID, amount, date, and payment method.

Transaction ID Customer ID Transaction Date Amount Payment Method Discount Applied Shipping Fee Transaction Status Items Purchased Shipping Address Billing Address
50001 1001 2025-03-06 $120.00 Credit Card $10 $5 Completed 2 123 Main St, New York, NY 123 Main St, New York, NY

3. Product Details Dataset

Records product categories, brands, and pricing information.

Product ID Product Name Category Price Stock Availability SKU Supplier Product Description Weight (kg) Dimensions (cm) Manufacture Date
30001 Wireless Keyboard Electronics $49.99 In Stock KB-2025 TechWorld Inc. Compact wireless keyboard with Bluetooth connectivity. 0.5 30x15x2 2025-01-10

4. Purchase History Dataset

Includes customer purchase history, quantities, and shipping details.

Customer ID Product ID Purchase Date Quantity Total Price Discount Applied Payment Method Purchase Status Shipping Address Tracking Number Shipment Status
1001 30001 2025-03-06 1 $49.99 $5 Credit Card Completed 123 Main St, New York, NY TRK12345678 Delivered

5. Order Items Dataset

Details of each item in a customer's order, including pricing and discounts.

Order Item ID Order ID Product ID Product Name Quantity Unit Price Total Price Discount Applied Tax Applied Product Category Return Window
70001 50001 30001 Wireless Keyboard 1 $49.99 $44.99 $5 $2 Electronics 30 Days

6. Customer Feedback Dataset

Customer reviews, ratings, and seller responses.

Feedback ID Customer ID Product ID Rating Review Review Date Purchase Verified Feedback Type Response from Seller
9001 1001 30001 5 Great keyboard, very responsive and lightweight. 2025-03-07 Yes Positive Thank you for your review!

7. Inventory Dataset

Tracks stock levels, reorder quantities, and supplier details.

Product ID Product Name Stock Level Reorder Level Reorder Quantity Last Restocked Date Supplier Warehouse Location
30001 Wireless Keyboard 120 50 100 2025-02-20 TechWorld Inc. Warehouse A - New York

8. Sales Reports Dataset

Summarizes sales, revenue, and top-selling products.

Report ID Report Date Total Sales Total Orders Total Discounts Applied Net Revenue Number of Products Sold Top Selling Product Category with Highest Sales
SR-1001 2025-03-06 $50,000 1,200 $5,000 $45,000 2,500 Wireless Keyboard Electronics

9. Inventory Dataset

Tracks product stock levels, reorder thresholds, and supplier details.

Product ID Product Name Stock Level Reorder Level Reorder Quantity Last Restocked Date Supplier Warehouse Location
30002 Gaming Mouse 80 30 50 2025-03-01 GameTech Supplies Warehouse B - California

10. Sales Reports Dataset

Provides insights into total sales, revenue, and best-selling products.

Report ID Report Date Total Sales Total Orders Total Discounts Applied Net Revenue Number of Products Sold Top Selling Product Category with Highest Sales
SR-1002 2025-03-07 $75,000 1,800 $7,500 $67,500 3,200 Gaming Mouse Electronics

Legal Disclaimer

  • All datasets are randomly generated and do not represent real individuals.
  • For educational, research, and software development purposes only.

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